RE, RRSA and British Values

Raksha Bandhan.…

Raksha Bandhan.…

On the 5th May we learnt about the Hindu festival of Raksha Bandhan. We created our own Rakhi bracelets just as Hindu children would. We know this festival is important to Hindus because it celebrates the importance of brothers and sisters.

Visit to Gurdwara/Mandir 

The Elephants had a wonderful day in Bradford bringing their RE learning to life.
They visited a Hindu Mandir and Sikh Gurdwara and learnt about the important rituals of each religion. We even were lucky enough to hear the Guru Granth Sahib being read by our amazing guide!
Road Safety 

Road Safety 

We have listened to a presentation about Road Safety by two student nurses from Sheffield Hallam University. We demonstrated our school values of 100% respect, kindness and effort to our special visitors. What are our top tips for crossing the road safely?