
On the hotseat!

Today we have been writing questions for Mary Seacole. We then imagined we were Mary Seacole on the hot-seat and asked her the questions we had come up with.

We are reporters!

We have been reporting about the terrifying dragon attack in the Birkwood School playground!!

Feature spotters!

Y2 Seacoles have been hunting for the features of diary entries this morning. We are looking at how they are used so we can mirror this in our own writing.


We began our new history topic by looking at artefacts that were used during the Victorian era in the coal mines. We worked as a team to complete an inference grid. We noted our observations and had discussions on what we thought the item was, inferred what it may have been used for and thought about any further questions we had.

The Dragon in the Library

We started our new text this week. We are working on making sensible predictions using evidence from the text to support our ideas.

Frog, Toad and bravery

We had a go at philosophy with a reading stimulus. Themes emerged such as bravery and determination and we talked about the friends in the story. We came up with some questions and reviewed how well our lesson went based on our ground rules. We all really enjoyed the time to think and communicate.

How to build a sandcastle!

This week we are writing instructions for building a sandcastle. We rehearsed the instructions orally first.

World Book Day

We loved sharing our favourite books with the class for World Book Day. We talked about our favourite pages from the books and explained why we enjoy them so much.

Presenting Darwin

We have been working in groups to prepare our presentations about Darwin’s discovery of fossils of sea snails high in the Andes Mountains. What does this tell geographers? We asked each other some challenging questions about the vocabulary we used. What is a tectonic plate? How did sea fossils end up at the top of a mountain? Where are the Andes?

Preparing Plays to perform 

We revised the features of play scripts briefly and then got stuck into rehearsals. When we presented our work, we noticed good use of stage directions, expression in character voices and praised each other for using action to bring the script to life. Watch out for our own play scripts coming soon.
