

We enjoyed our P4C lesson. We created some rules to ensure we are respectful and effective listeners. We discussed bravery and created our own questions around this. We voted to choose which key question we would like to discuss.

Our first Philosophy lesson

We loved our first philosophy lesson. We listened carefully to each other and built on each other’s ideas. We spoke clearly in full sentences and took time to consider our ideas before sharing them with the class.

Frog, Toad and bravery

We had a go at philosophy with a reading stimulus. Themes emerged such as bravery and determination and we talked about the friends in the story. We came up with some questions and reviewed how well our lesson went based on our ground rules. We all really enjoyed the time to think and communicate.


We impressed Mts S with our philosophical discussion and thinking. We watched Newsround reports about unaccompanied migrant children crossing the channel.


Negotiations, discussions, solutions and compassion. What interesting views, observations and contributions about the impact of poverty and wealth on human beings.
