RE, RRSA and British Values

The Prophet and the Ants 

We know how to name The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the leader of Islam.  We learnt the story of The Prophet and the Ants and retold it using drama.
Special People

Special People

We know a special leader in the Jewish faith is called a Rabbi and their role has similarities to a Christian Priest.
Welcome Father Darren & Father Joseph

Welcome Father Darren & Father Joseph

We were delighted to welcome Father Darren Percival (BME) to Birkwood and to Cudworth. Father Darren is the new Parish Priest and introduced himself to our #IncredibleCommunity. Father Joseph and Father Darren made a wonderful impression on all of us and we are very excited to work with them going forward.


Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

We learnt all about the celebration Chinese New Year. We enjoyed watching the Dragon Dance, made our own Chinese lanterns and dragon puppets and even tasted some delicious Chinese food!


We have learnt about a Buddhist celebration called Vesak. During this festival Buddhists come together to pray, eat and meditate. We had a go at some meditating and found it very calming.
Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is a Hindu celebration of the relationship between brother and sister. Sisters attach a Rakhi to their brother’s wrist to show their love and respect! We made Rakhis for our families.
Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr

In RE we are learning about different celebrations from the 6 world religions. This week we talked about Eid and what Muslims do to celebrate this special time!
Our visit to Santa

Our visit to Santa

On 18th December we had a very special visitor in EYFS. The children were visited by Father Christmas and were given a lovely gift. All the children were very excited!